Audience and Goals

The next step of the process is to solidify the audiences that will be using the site and my specific goals for the website.

In class we worked through an ideation activity where we used Post It Notes to thoroughly investigate who our audience includes. In one image you can see where I began the process. The categories are labeled direct and indirect, which are shown as the green notes. Under them are orange notes that showcase people in either category. Next to the orange notes are potentially indirect groups, featured in the blue color.

The next step was adding another category, which can be seen in another image, was writing down who would be a fan of finding a solution and who would be skeptical. Under these categories, individuals or groups were listed in orange. Below these featured an either way section, which can be seen in an image as well.

Overarching Goals

Who What
  • Help those who need resources (food services, personal care items, clothing)
  • Gain donations, both monetary and physical items
  • Raise awareness on who the company is and clarify what resources they offer
  • Partner with volunteers and possibly other organizations to make a bigger impact in the community
  • Connect to people who need the companies available resources
  • Gather information from the company about who they are and how they serve the community of Columbia
  • Donate their time, money, and physical items
  • Reach out to other people in the community with more volunteer opportunities
  • Make the resources of my company more clarified and easier to access for both mobile and web users
  • Make information on how people can donate more easy to find
  • Streamline process for receiving information on services for groups and individuals
  • Seperate the users of the website based off the information they are trying to find

Specific Goals

User Goal Action
Someone seeking resources (homeless, veterans, elderly) for themselves or to help someone else Clearly share what resources are available and how they can be accessed Increase individuals who use the available resources
The local community of Columbia Spread awareness, increase donations, and increase number of volunteers Increase donations through fundraising, encourage possible volunteers
Individuals who would like to voluneer or donate Inform them of duties, mission statement, and goals. Also inform them of what actions they can do to help Increase amount of volunteers and donations