Design Challenge

The first step of the process was identifying the design challenge. Using the IDEO Human Centered Design Toolkit as a guide for questions to help narrow down the core problems with the site.

What is the problem you're trying to solve?

Helping the community in need in Columbia, South Carolina.

Frame it as a design question.

How can the FMSM&M website help people in need in Columbia?

Now, state the ultimate impact you're trying to have.

Make the resources of FMSM&M more accessible for donating and receiving their services.

What are some possible solutions to your problem?

Having a homepage that separates for people who are in need and people that want to donate their time and items. A navigation bar that makes it easier to find the information you are looking for. Separate pages for each of the services they have available. A clear way to communicate with their executives.

Finally, write down some context and constraints that you're facing.

Only being in the city of Columbia. Not knowing exactly what all is the most important service FMSM&M offers. Deciding what is most important for the community. Redesigning the whole website to be more useful.

Does your original question need tweaking? Try it again.

How can the Feed My Sheep website define their goals as a ministry and help make their resources more easily available?